Order & Delivery
As soon as you have ordered and paid for one or more products, you will almost always receive the products within 3 working days. When you confirm your order, you will receive an email with the Track & Trace code, so you can track when your order will be delivered by the carrier.
If you have any questions about this or if the carrier indicates that you have received the package but you haven't, please email us at: support@pressurecanning.de.
We do our best to process orders correctly and quickly.
We deliver to the address you provide. If you have ordered something, we will deliver it as quickly as possible, but no later than within 15 days. If this does not work, we will inform you within 15 days. Then you can cancel for free, and you will get your money back.
Until delivery to you or a person you designate, we are liable for any damage or loss of the products.
For more information about ordering and delivery, please refer to our Terms and Conditions. You can easily find them on our website.